Flash Prompt #5 - Dec 2016

10 min read

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Welcome to Flash Prompt # 5!

Christmas is nigh, and so in the spirit of the holidays we've opted to make this month's Flash Prompt an extra fun one! Also pshh, this journal isn't late. You're all just...early...or something.  



 Bullet; Red Your story must be between 55-1000 words in length.
 Bullet; Red Include all the challenge elements, and make sure that you mention which Flash Prompt # you've used in your artist comment.
 Bullet; Red To submit your entry, paste a link to your Flash Prompt story in the comments below
 Bullet; Red Then add your story to the Flash Prompts gallery folder in FlashFictionMonth so that it may be read by one and all!
 Bullet; Red There's no time limit, but to be part of the monthly feature you should try to submit your story by the 15th of January at the latest.


Your instructions for this month's prompt are thus: 

Bullet; Green Step 1. Go to the Story Shack Flash Fiction Writing Prompt Generator and click the big button that says "GENERATE".

Bullet; Red Step 2. 
Make a copy of your generator results, then generate 4 more prompts. You should end up with FIVE WRITING PROMPTS in total (and don't forget to write them all down).

Bullet; Green Step 3.
 Now take your combined results and choose ONE element from each of the five prompts that you've generated. Your final result should consist of one Word count, Genre, Character, Material, and Sentence to Use (and a bonus prompt as well if you received one).

Bullet; Red Step 4. Take your fantastic new PROMPT RESULT and post it in the comments below so that all of us may point at it and be jealous of your prompting luck. Then write a story based upon this prompt (obviously), and post that too!


The World in a Grain of Sand    It was the light that woke me; a morning sunlight that defied all weather reports. Far from home, forced to trust a crazy old man who didn’t even seem aware of the war raging around his hut, and the wreckage of a brand new Hurricane only a few fields away for all to see. It was a wonder I’d slept at all.
    The light split the room with a shimmering line, hazy in a heat that didn’t belong to September, and the dust motes danced lethargically along its path towards the far wall. There, haloed by the light, stood a pedestal - or perhaps, an altar. The old man had certainly treated it with a kind of religious reverence last night.
    I rose and dressed as quickly as the oppressive heat allowed, taking care to avoid knocking any of the hour glasses that littered every available space of his hut. There must have been at least fifty of them scattered around in all shapes and sizes. Dark woods, polished, light woods, dry and wood wormed; g
  You Can't Vaccinate Stupid“Look,” he slurred, pointing a rapidly emptying beer at the patron across the bar. “You don’t have to LIKE it, but the facts are facts, and the facts say they’re facts, and, uh, so… yeah!”
Exactly what point he had been trying to make was lost to him a couple drinks ago, but Dr. Everell’s  team was celebrating their first common cold breakthrough in weeks, and he wasn’t about to let anyone blather about his work.
“But don’t you got mercury or some stuff in the vaccine?” the (also thoroughly drunk) patron asked, stumbling out of his seat.
“That, that DOES it,” the doctor growled.
He stumbled forward, throwing a clumsy haymaker – it went dramatically wide, landing him face first in the bowl of peanuts on the bar. Immediately, his mind put together a plan: the doctor grabbed the bowl of peanuts and spun around.
“Look at these, uh, things,” he said, momentarily forgetting what the sna
  Flash Fiction: Druid Yule     The Yule fire died down to spitting embers and dark ash; Reed pulled up the hood of his robe and buried himself in its warmth. Next to him, his Goddess lay, clothed in nothing but ivy – girded around her loins and winding up her arms – and a circlet of holly berries, twisting through her wildwood hair. The snowfall had already settled on the plains of Salisbury, and the gray and blue standing stones protected them from outside harm. He really should go home, he thought; his brother would begin to wonder.
     Reed came from a long line of druids, but his ancestors began to reject the practice in the late 1600s. Before that, the family practiced their rites in secret. Now, about ten tears after the Great War, he had decided to revive it. Stonehenge had a curious pull on him every since he first saw it; it tugged at his heart, beckoning him with its mystical aura and singing to him an otherworldly ballad which only he cou
  Flash Prompt #5 - Wheel of Fortune - UnseenShe crossed the room along the wall, hoping nobody would notice her. She almost snorted: she knew she’d pass unseen. She might have been part of the wall. It served. She reached the doors and exited onto the terrace. The chill of the night settled down quickly. It was a relief after the heat of the party. Still, danger lurked outside too. Another type.
She startled and curtsied.
“My Lord.”
He took her hand, kissed her knuckles. She blushed.
“Don’t call me ‘my Lord’ Heather. It’s wrong.”
“What else should I call you?”
They couldn’t love each other; her duty was to her family, his to the Earldom. Their lives were too different to entwine their destinies. She knew it; still she loved him.
“I noticed you didn’t speak to the young ladies. They could be your friends you know.”
“Who needs friends?”
She whispered, looking away from him to the gardens.
“Why so bitte
  BLOOD RELATEDFlash prompt #5 -
by Flash-Fic-Month on DeviantArt
50 words
Genre - Drama
Character - a fascist
Material - Certificate
Sentence - “Repeat after me”
SS-man walking along the wagons, shouted:
“Quiet! You worms!…”
Suddenly snow avalanche smashed the wagon full of people and it fall on top of a fascist trapping his legs, rooftop broke freeing the people. “Help!”- he shouted -”I have certificate! “
Prisoner said focused - “Repeat after me :
All lives matter!”
  The truth about Astor BronfieldHe stared at her watch.
It was the last thing he had left of her, just this little token she had forgotten on the bedside table when she left. She had never come back to get it.
Now he stood by the window, in the cold morning light, holding the little thing like a bird with broken wings, and staring at the immobile hands. He had fallen asleep to its ticking, a sound he had grown so accustomed to that when he woke up in a cold sweat an hour before dawn, it had taken him much too long to figure out what was wrong.
He didn't know why it shocked him so much. It was a watch, and it was bound to run out of battery sooner or later. He pulled himself together and went downstairs to make himself some coffee.
He went over his plans for the day and decided he could take it to the watchmaker's during lunch break. He skipped lunch regularly anyway, and it wasn't like the colleagues were going to miss him.
He had woken so early it was still an hour before he would have to get to the office. Plenty o
  Flash Prompts 2016-2017 5th: Revolutionist"Do you enjoy hurting people?" I gasped, fighting against the medieval chains that held me stuck to the wall.
"Why, yes, I do enjoy it," he said. He, Revolutionist, had committed more crimes than I could imagine, and I had been a fool to think I could catch him with my codes. I had programmed what I had thought to be the perfect way of catching him, and what had it led me to? A trap Revolutionist had created for me via my own code. And I had fallen for it and paid for it now. Damn my stupidity. Dammit.
The shattered glass under my feet shone with the faint light in the room I was stuck in. What a terrible fool had I been to think I could catch a criminal as famous and elusive as Revolutionist... The visions of fame and finally getting work had blinded my reason, I suppose.
It did not change the fact that I was stuck here, hopeless and wounded by the glass. The police had not been able to locate Revolutionist's hideout and I had been stupid enough not to let them know. And nobody

Mature Content

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Still confused about what Flash Prompts entails? Take a look at our handy FAQ section to find out more, or send a note to FlashFictionMonth and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

Late to the party? There's no such thing! While the Flash Prompts feature journal does have a time limit, the Prompts themselves are timeless. So even if you're only writing a story months after the Flash Prompt was first uploaded, we'd still love to see what kind of story you've produced, and will happily include it in the group gallery if you decide to take part.

We're always in search of new ideas. If you have a great Flash Prompts challenge idea, post a comment in the Suggestion Box and let us know what it is! Community input is always welcome.